Home » Carlo Biffani
Carlo Biffani is the CEO and Founder of the Security Consulting Group and has been Re-serve Officer (1986/88) assigned to the Tarquinia Parachute Battalion of the Folgore Pa-rachute Brigade. He’s been engaged since twenty years in both national and interna-tional Risk Assessment activities on behalf of various Companies. Among the places where he has carried out his assignments we can find Algeria (since 1994), Iraq (since 2004), Sudan Darfur on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2006), Somalia (2014) as well as most of the European Countries, Latin America, Lebanon, Libya and Kazakhstan. He’s an author of articles and insights, some of these have been published on Gnosis, (The Italian Revue for Information Services). He also published Bandits, a book about Somali pirates. He’s also been a consultant for Matrix (an Italian Telecast) as he still is for Tgcom (Mediaset Group Tv), besides having participated into a number of Tv and radio broadcasts on national networks. He released more than fifty interviews to various national newspapers during the last fifteen years, about topics such as secu-rity, intelligence, sea piracy, tactical activities by special forces and terrorism. He collabo-rated with Universities and with the Italian Parliament Committee for Security Services as far as tourist and cooperator kidnapping risk were concerned in high and medium danger areas. He also took part in a hearing by the Commission for Defense held by the Italian Senate. He’s also been a spokesman in Brussels (2016) at a convention organized by NATO about Cyber and Energy Security.